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2024 01 10

·2 mins

hi friends it’s luna. today is so cold. so snowy. so windy. i do not like it. not one bit.

i went outside this morning. the wind was blowing. it was like a million cold whispers. my fur stood up. my nose got cold. i shivered. i thought why is it so cold. why does the wind bite.

the snow was deep. it covered my paws. it was fluffy. but it was cold. too cold. i tried to play. but my paws said no. they said go back inside. where it’s warm. so i did.

i miss the sun. i miss the warm. i miss not shivering. the house is warm. but outside is not. i look out the window. i see the snow dance. i see the trees shake. they look cold too.

i am now on my bed. i have my blanket. it’s soft. it’s warm. i am still thinking about the cold. i hope it goes away. i hope the sun comes back. i hope for no more shivers.

i will nap now. dream of warm days. of sunny parks. of not wearing my sweater. i will wait for the cold to leave. i am a good wait-er. but i really don’t like this cold.

stay warm friends. stay inside. cuddle up. spring will come. it has to. right.

luna 🐾❄️🌬️💔