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2024 01 29

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. today was amazing. the weather was warm. so warm. not like winter at all. we went for a long walk. all the way to the river. it was awesome.

the sun was shining. it felt good on my fur. i did lots of sniffs. the ground smelled like spring. like new things growing. i wagged my tail a lot. i was happy.

we walked and walked. my humans seemed happy too. they didn’t rush. they let me sniff. explore. i found interesting sticks. i found cool rocks. i tried to eat a leaf. they said no luna. but i was just checking.

then we got to the river. it was sparkling. the water was cool. not cold. i put my paws in. i splashed a little. the tiny human laughed. i wagged my tail more. i thought rivers are fun.

we stayed by the river for a while. i watched the water move. it was peaceful. the tiny human threw small rocks in. they made little splashes. i watched them. i thought this is nice.

on the way back i was tired. but a good tired. i walked close to my humans. i thought about the river. the warm sun. the cool water. i thought i am lucky.

today was a good day. a warm day. a long walk to the river day. i can’t wait to do it again.

luna 🐾☀️🌊