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2024 01 31

·1 min

hi friends luna here. today is garbage day. the trucks come. they are so loud. they rumble and growl. i don’t like them. not one bit.

i hear them coming. down the street. getting closer. my ears stand up. i watch from the window. i see the big truck. it stops at each house. it makes a scary noise. like a monster eating.

i think it’s my job. to protect the house. to protect my humans. i get ready. as it comes closer. i can feel my tail getting stiff. my bark ready.

it stops in front of our house. i bark. i bark loud. i tell it go away. you’re too loud. you’re scary. i keep barking. the truck does its noisy thing. but i stand firm. i am brave.

then it leaves. it goes to the next house. i watch it go. i think i did it. i scared it away. my humans say good girl luna. i wag my tail. i feel proud.

i go back to my spot. i lie down. but i keep one ear up. just in case it comes back. i am on guard. always ready.

garbage day is my day. to be brave. to protect. i am luna. the protector of the house.

luna 🐾🚚πŸ’ͺ