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2024 02 13

·1 min

hi friends luna here. today was beautiful. so sunny. so bright. we went for a long walk. it was the best.

the air was warm. it smelled like flowers. like grass. i wagged my tail the whole time. i thought today is a good day.

we walked on new paths. i saw new things. i sniffed new smells. every corner was an adventure. i thought i love adventures.

i saw lots of other dogs too. big ones. small ones. they all had happy faces. we sniffed hello. we wagged goodbye. i thought so many friends.

some dogs were playing. some were walking like me. we all enjoyed the sun. we enjoyed the day. i thought this is what happiness feels like.

the humans were happy too. they smiled a lot. they let me take my time. to sniff. to explore. i felt free. i felt loved.

we walked until i was tired. but a good tired. we headed home. i thought about the day. about the sun. about my dog friends.

it was a perfect day. sunny and full of joy. i hope we do it again soon. sunny days are the best days.

luna 🐾☀️🐕💖