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2024 02 27

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. today is magical. it’s sunny and snowy at the same time. i didn’t know that could happen. but it’s awesome.

i went outside. the sun was shining. the snow was sparkling. everything looked like it was covered in glitter. i thought wow this is beautiful.

i felt the sun on my fur. it was warm. but my paws were in the snow. it was cold. i thought this is strange. but in a good way.

i ran around. the snow crunched under my paws. the sun made me feel happy. i thought this is the best of both worlds.

i saw my shadow in the snow. it followed me everywhere. i tried to chase it. i couldn’t catch it. but it made me laugh.

the humans came out too. they wore sunglasses. they wore boots. they said luna look at this day. i wagged my tail. i agreed. it was a special day.

we played fetch. the ball left tracks in the snow. i followed them. i found the ball every time. the sun made it easy to see.

i hope we have more days like this. sunny and snowy. it’s like a surprise from the sky. it makes everything feel fresh. feel new.

enjoy the sunshine friends. enjoy the snowflakes. enjoy the sparkle. it’s a gift. a rare and beautiful gift.

luna 🐾☀️❄️✨🎉