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2024 03 05

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. today is weird. there’s lots of frost outside. the ground is crunchy. but no snow. just frost everywhere.

i stepped outside. my paws felt the crunch. i looked around. i thought where did this come from. everything sparkled. but it wasn’t wet like snow.

i walked around. each step made a sound. i liked it. but it was also strange. i’m used to snow. not this hard, crunchy ground.

the air was cold. it made my breath look like smoke. i puffed out air. i watched it disappear. i thought this is kind of fun.

the grass looked like it had sugar on it. i sniffed it. it was cold. it tickled my nose. i sneezed. i thought frost is tricky.

i played in the frost. i left paw prints. i looked back at them. i felt proud. i thought i’m an explorer. exploring this frosty world.

it’s not snow. but it’s still pretty. still fun to play in. i hope it melts soon. i like the grass green. not crunchy.

i went back inside. i warmed my paws. i looked out the window. i thought the frost makes the world look different. but i’m ready for it to look normal again.

stay warm friends. watch out for the crunchy frost. it’s weird but kind of cool.

luna 🐾❄️🍂👣