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2024 03 11

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. something happened today. the humans did something with the clocks. they call it time change. i do not understand.

i noticed something was off when we went for our walk. it was earlier or maybe later. i couldn’t tell. i just knew it felt different.

the humans seemed a bit sleepy. they said it’s because of the time change. i tilted my head. i thought why change the time. isn’t time always the same.

my meals came at a strange time. i was hungry. but the humans said it’s not time yet. i wondered who decides what time it is. why can’t it just be eating time.

i heard them talking about daylight saving. i sniffed around. i thought does saving daylight mean more sun for walks. if so, i might like this time change.

but it’s confusing. my routine is all mixed up. i like when things are predictable. when walks and meals and cuddles come at the usual times.

i hope we all get used to this new time soon. i don’t like feeling confused. i just want to know when it’s time to play. to eat. to sleep.

time change is strange. but i trust my humans. i’ll follow their lead. even if it means waiting a bit longer for my meals.

luna 🐾⏰🤔🐕