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2024 03 16

·1 min

hi friends luna here. guess what. it’s the weekend. and it finally feels like spring outside. the sun is warm. the air smells like flowers. i’m so happy.

there are lots of kids around today. i like it when they pet me. they have soft hands. they give gentle pats. i wag my tail. i think this is nice.

but some kids are loud. and fast. they run around. they scream. it makes me nervous. i don’t know where to go. i think maybe i should hide.

i stay close to my humans. they know i get scared. they keep me safe. they say it’s okay luna. i feel better with them around.

i like the quiet kids best. the ones that move slow. that talk soft. they’re my favorite. i give them extra licks. i think they’re special.

i hope i get more gentle pats. less loud noises. i like spring. i like the weekend. but i like calmness too.

i’ll enjoy the sun. the smells. the good parts of spring. i’ll try not to be too nervous. i know my humans are here for me.

happy springtime friends. enjoy the sunshine. enjoy the gentle pats. stay calm among the loud fast ones.

luna πŸΎπŸŒΈπŸ‘§πŸ‘¦πŸ•