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2024 03 19

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. today is bright. so sunny. i love it. the backyard called to me. i had to run. i had to play.

then i saw it. a crow. it was big. it was black. it was making noise. caw caw caw. over and over. i thought why is it so loud.

i decided to investigate. i crept closer. the crow saw me. it didn’t stop. it kept cawing. i thought this is a challenge.

i chased it. i ran fast. my paws kicked up the grass. the crow flew a little. it landed again. it kept cawing. i thought it’s teasing me.

i barked. i told it to go away. but it just looked at me. then cawed some more. i thought crows are tricky. they’re not like squirrels.

i chased it some more. but it was smart. it flew just out of reach. i couldn’t catch it. but i tried my best.

the humans laughed. they watched me. they said good try luna. i wagged my tail. i thought next time crow. next time.

i went back to lying in the sun. i watched the crow fly away. i thought it was a good game. but i’m happy just to enjoy the sun now.

another sunny day. another adventure. even with cawing crows. it’s all good. it’s all fun.

luna 🐾☀️🐦🐕