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2024 03 27

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. guess what. the garbage trucks came back. but i was ready. i remembered what to do. i barked. i barked my loudest.

they rumbled down the street. they stopped at each house. making noise. i watched from the window. my tail was stiff. i thought not in my yard.

when they got close. i started. i barked and barked. i wanted them to know. this is my house. you can’t stay here.

the humans laughed. they said go luna go. i felt encouraged. i barked even louder. i thought i’m strong. i can do this.

the truck stopped at our house. it made its loud noises. but i didn’t stop. i kept barking. until finally. it moved on. it went away.

i watched it leave. i wagged my tail. i felt proud. i thought i did it. i scared them away. i am a hero.

the humans said good job luna. they gave me extra pats. i felt happy. i felt important. i thought being a guard dog is a big job.

i hope the trucks think twice before coming back. they’ll remember my bark. they’ll know luna is here. ready to protect her house.

happy barking friends. remember. we are strong. we can scare away the big noises. we can keep our homes safe.

luna πŸΎπŸššπŸ•πŸ’ͺ