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2024 03 28

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. today is not so good. there are thunderstorms. i don’t like thunder. it’s loud. it’s scary. i don’t understand it.

when it started. i heard the booms. they were so loud. the house shook. i looked around. i thought what is happening.

i decided to hide. i found a spot. under the bed. it’s cozy here. it feels safe. i can still hear the booms. but i feel a bit better.

the humans look for me. they find me. they say it’s okay luna. they try to make me feel better. i love them for that. but i’m still scared.

i wish the thunder would stop. i wish it was quiet again. i don’t like these noisy days. i like when it’s peaceful.

i’ll stay here for now. until it’s over. i know the humans are close. that helps. but i can’t wait for the sun to come back.

if you’re scared like me. find a cozy spot. it’s okay to hide. we can be brave together. from our hiding spots.

i hope the thunder goes away soon. i want to come out. i want to play. i don’t want to be scared anymore.

stay safe friends. remember. after the thunder. comes calm. we just have to wait it out.

luna 🐾⛈️🐕💔