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2024 04 04

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. today was garbage day again. but i was not ready. i was caught off guard. the rumbling. the noise. it surprised me.

i heard it coming. i thought oh no. not again. but before i could react. the neighbor dogs started barking. they were on it.

they barked and barked. so loud. so fierce. i joined in. a bit late. but still. i added my bark to the chorus. i thought together we’re strong.

the trucks stopped at each house. making their loud noises. but we kept barking. we told them. you can’t stay here. you have to go away.

and you know what. they did. they moved on. they left our street. i watched them go. i thought we did it. together.

i felt a bit relieved. i wasn’t ready today. but the neighbor dogs. they had my back. it’s good to have friends. even if they’re just the dogs next door.

i’ll be ready next time. i’ll join the bark brigade from the start. we’ll scare the trucks away together. it’s what we do.

thank you neighbor dogs. for starting the bark. for keeping our street safe. we’re a good team.

stay alert friends. and remember. even if you’re not ready. your friends might be. together we can handle the big noisy trucks.

luna πŸΎπŸššπŸ•πŸ›‘