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2024 04 05

·1 min

hi friends luna here. it’s the weekend. yay. but there’s something else. april showers. they’re here. in full effect. it means a lot of rain.

i looked outside. the sky was grey. the rain was falling. drip drop drip drop. i thought no long walks today. no running in the yard. i felt a bit sad.

but then the humans said something. they said april showers bring may flowers. i tilted my head. i thought flowers are good. they smell nice. they look pretty. maybe the rain isn’t so bad.

we found ways to have fun inside. we played with my toys. we had extra cuddles. i listened to the rain. it sounded like a song. a sleepy song.

i napped a lot. the sound of rain was calming. i dreamt of sunny days. of flowers. i thought maybe the rain is okay. if it brings something beautiful.

i hope the showers pass soon. i hope the flowers come. i can’t wait to see them. to smell them. but for now. i’ll enjoy the cozy weekend. the sound of rain. the quiet moments.

happy weekend friends. even if it’s rainy. there’s still fun to be had. there’s still joy to find. in the little things. in the quiet moments.

luna πŸΎπŸŒ§οΈπŸ’€πŸŒΈ