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2024 04 06

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. guess what happened today. i saw a new dog in the neighborhood. it was big. it was brown. it had curly hair. it looked friendly. i wagged my tail. i thought i hope we can be frens.

we were on our walk. i saw it from afar. it was with its human. it walked nicely. it looked at me. i looked back. i wanted to say hi. but we were too far.

i sniffed the air. i tried to catch its scent. it was new. it was interesting. i thought what’s your name. where are you from.

the humans talked. they said maybe next time we can meet. i hope so. i want to sniff. i want to play. i want to see if we can be frens.

i watched it walk away. its tail was wagging too. i thought it wants to be frens too. i can’t wait for next time.

new dogs are exciting. it’s nice to have more frens. to run with. to sniff with. to explore with.

i hope i see the new dog again soon. i hope we can be good frens. i’ll be looking out for it. on our walks. in the neighborhood.

happy meeting new frens friends. it’s one of the best things. about being a dog. about being in a neighborhood.

luna πŸΎπŸ•β€πŸ¦ΊπŸ‘‹πŸ’–