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2024 04 08

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. there’s something happening today. the humans call it an eclipse. they say it’s going to be dark during the day. i’m a bit nervous.

i heard them talking. they said the moon will cover the sun. just for a little while. i looked at the sky. i thought how can the moon cover the sun. the sun is so big.

i feel a bit unsure. the day turning dark sounds strange. i like the sun. i like when it’s bright. i wonder what will happen.

the humans seem excited. they have special glasses. they say it’s safe to look at the eclipse with them. i sniff the glasses. i can’t wear them. i’ll just stay close to the humans.

i hope it’s not scary. i hope it’s quick. i’ll watch the humans. if they’re not scared, maybe i won’t be either.

i think about the animals. the birds. the squirrels. what will they think. when the day turns dark. i’ll watch them too.

it’s a big day. an eclipse day. i’ll be brave. i’ll see what happens. when the moon covers the sun.

i’ll stay close to my humans. i’ll be their brave dog. even if i’m a bit nervous.

i hope the sun comes back soon. i like it better when it’s light.

stay brave friends. during the eclipse. we can be nervous together. but we’ll be okay. the sun will come back.

luna πŸΎπŸŒ’πŸŒžπŸ•πŸ’”