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2024 04 15

·1 min

hi friends luna here. today is something called tax day. the humans are grumpy. they talk about forms and numbers. i don’t understand. do dogs pay taxes too?

i watch them. they sit at the table. papers everywhere. they look stressed. i go over. i nuzzle them. i think maybe this will help. maybe a little dog love can make tax day better.

i hear them say things like deadlines and deductions. it sounds complicated. i tilt my head. i wonder why humans have to do all this. it seems like no fun at all.

i think about dog taxes. maybe it’s treats. maybe it’s belly rubs. if it is, i pay a lot. i pay in wags. in licks. i think i’m good at dog taxes.

the humans take breaks. they pet me. they say thanks luna. i feel like i’m helping. even if i don’t understand all the tax stuff.

i hope tax day ends soon. i want my happy humans back. not the grumpy, busy ones. i’ll stay close. i’ll keep giving cuddles. that’s how i help.

remember friends, even if it’s tax day for the humans, we dogs can make it better. with our presence. with our love.

luna πŸΎπŸ“‘πŸ’ΌπŸ•πŸ’–