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2024 04 16

·1 min

hi friends luna here. today feels strange. it’s cold again. when i looked at the mountains, guess what? they’re covered in snow. i thought, is winter back?

just when I thought it was time for sunny days and flowers, the cold has come to visit us again. the mountains look like they’re wrapped in a fluffy white blanket. It’s pretty, but I was ready for spring.

I stepped outside this morning, and wow, was it chilly! My paws felt the cold right away. I shivered a bit. I looked around and thought, didn’t we say goodbye to this weather?

The humans noticed too. They put on their warm jackets again, the ones they had put away. They said something about a cold snap. I don’t know what a snap is, unless it’s a treat, but this kind doesn’t sound fun.

I hope this is just a quick visit from winter. I miss the warm sun. I miss not shivering. But until it warms up, I’ll find my cozy spots inside. Maybe curl up in a blanket or near the heater.

Stay warm, friends. Remember, even if winter comes back for a little visit, it won’t stay long now. Spring will be here to stay soon. I hope.

luna 🐾❄️🏔️🐕💤