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2024 04 23

·1 min

hi friends, luna here. today something odd happened. the human sprayed a bunch of tiny white dots all over the yard. now, I’m not allowed on it. i watched from the sidelines. i felt a bit sad because i love running and playing on the grass.

the humans said the tiny white dots are fertilizer. they help the grass grow better and stronger. i don’t really know what fertilizer is, but i hope it makes the grass nice. because i miss it already.

i sniffed around the edge of the yard. i looked at the white dots. they didn’t seem very special, but the humans seem to think they’re important. i guess i can wait if it means the grass will be nicer later.

i lay down near the door and watched the yard. i thought about how nice it will be to roll in the grass again. to feel it under my paws. i hope it’s soon.

for now, i’ll be patient. i’ll play in other spots. i’ll dream about the lush, green grass waiting for me after those tiny white dots do their job.

hang in there if you’re also waiting to play in your yard, friends. we can be patient together. it’ll be worth the wait, i hope!

luna πŸΎπŸŒ±πŸš«πŸ•πŸ’”