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2024 04 25

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. something big is happening next door. the neighbors are getting a new patio. that means lots of noise. lots of big machines. i don’t like it much.

every day, the machines start early. they rumble and beep. they’re so loud. i can feel the ground shake sometimes. i bark at them. i tell them to be quiet. but they don’t listen.

i watch from our yard. i see humans moving around. digging and building. i wonder what the patio will look like. i hope it’s nice. but mostly, i hope they finish soon.

the noise makes it hard to nap. my usual sunny spot isn’t so peaceful. i try to find quiet places. but it’s not the same.

i’ve been spending more time inside. it’s quieter there. the humans give me extra cuddles. they say it won’t be for much longer. i wag my tail. i hope they’re right.

i look forward to when the machines go away. when everything is quiet again. i’ll go back to my sunny spot. i’ll nap without noise.

if you’re dealing with loud noises too, remember, it won’t last forever. soon it will be peaceful again. we can be patient together.

hang in there friends. quiet days are coming back. we’ll enjoy them even more when they do.

luna πŸΎπŸš§πŸ”ŠπŸ•πŸ’€