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2024 04 30

·2 mins

hi friends luna here. the loud noises from next door are still happening. every day, there are beeps and bangs. machines rumble. it’s been tough. i don’t like loud noises.

i try to find quiet spots in the house. sometimes under the bed. sometimes behind the couch. the humans notice. they come to check on me. they give me extra pats. they say it’ll be over soon. i hope they’re right.

i watch from the window sometimes. i see humans working. moving things around. i wonder what they’re building. i hope it’s something nice. but mostly, i just want the noise to stop.

it’s hard to relax. to nap. even my treats don’t taste as good when it’s noisy. i wag my tail less. i look at the humans. i think, can you make it stop? but they can’t. we just have to wait.

i dream about quiet days. about calm walks. i hope they come back soon. if you’re dealing with loud noises too, remember, you’re not alone. we can be brave together. we can wait it out together.

soon it will be quiet again. we’ll go back to our normal days. our peaceful naps. until then, we stay strong. we find comfort in cuddles and quiet moments when we can.

hang in there, friends. quiet times are ahead. we can make it through the noise together.

luna πŸΎπŸšœπŸ”ŠπŸ•πŸ’€